It was a fun game. We wanted the kids to relax around us. To accept us. (Rumors had been spread by the local witchdoctors that “the Americans were coming to poison the people of the community.”) Everyone was a little tense, to say the least.
Normally, our team would have been met with smiles, double handed waves and jubilant singing. This time, no one was around except for a few children. We pulled out an oversized yellow kickball and coerced some brave nearby souls to join us. They looked as though they feared for their lives by the way most were hiding among the acacia trees watching from afar.
A young mama was passing by dressed in her beautifully sewn wax cloth printed top and matching skirt. Her skirt, of course, was covered modestly with a kanga fabric wrap to protect it from her normal day to day chores. And even though neither her outfit nor wrap had a hint of pink in them, her slip on dress shoes were the brightest, most beautiful shade of pink. She could not understand a word of the English we were speaking to the children, and yet, she did understand. Suddenly, much to the surprise of everyone, Mama kicked off her shoes and placed them along with her bag in the hands of her young son.
Mama jumped right in on that kickball game. She played. She kicked. She pitched. She even called others to come play too.
Mama played kickball that day. Probably her first time. Maybe her only time. She seized the moment. She didn’t think twice. She was all in.
How often do we get chances to do something wonderful and yet we hold back?
“I am not dressed right.”
“I don’t know how.”
“What will people think?”
“I will look ridiculous.”
“I am not smart enough.”
Those voices. Those words.
It is time you kick off your dress shoes and “play.” Don’t listen to the lies of the enemy keeping you out of the game. Listen to the One who said, “I have come to give YOU life. Life to the fullest.” John 10:10
Blessings — Lisa